Recently a question has been assigned to me: a study of sorts.
Is the imagination something we are created with, or is it a corruption of God's creative quality, which He assigns to us?
This question when posed caused me a great deal of distress. For me, the two were almost indistinguishable. how can one be without the other? of course upon bringing that up, God immediately showed me a few things;
1.) Imagining takes us out of the real world. It does not engage with reality in any way, it is the product of our minds and our minds alone.
2.) Other creative outlets for me include poetry, sketching, other forms of writing and singing. Aside from singing in the realm of theatre performance and certain prose writing, none of these activities take me out of reality. My attention is focused on the task at hand, but not to the complete exclusion of reality. In fact, my attention becomes rooted in reality, in the working of the medium with which i am expressing said creativity.
3.)Also, in specific events where the product of creativity was prompted by the Holy Spirit, the mind is barely engaged, or thinking at all, only reacting to the Spirit's voice, which focuses the attention on God.
So, overall, before actually doing study in the Word, which is the next necessary step, it appears that imaginiation is actually quite different than creativity. Imagination is the mind working with and within itself, focused on its own creation. Creativity is a working of the mind with the world around it. and Spirit-prompted creativity focuses on nothing but the Lord, where i desire my focus to always be. So, in short, it seems that Imagination is not a basic part of creativity, but vice versa: Imagination requires creativity, but serves no purpose but to please itself.
Be posting again when i get more Scripture.
I'm back!!!
12 years ago
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